Saturday, August 3, 2013

I Am Jonathan - Opening to the Confusion of Schizophrenia

"I am Jonathan"

<a title="I am Jonathan" href="" target="_blank">

"I'm sure some of you will find it hard to watch this video. I can only say for me, I found it very eye opening as to the confusion and what must feel like hell to live at times as a schizophrenic. I would HIGHLY recommend reading some of Jonathan’s writing before you watch the film. Why, you may ask? Because he is <a class="StrictlyAutoTagAnchor" title="View all articles about ONE here" href="">ONE hell of an inspiration and shares words of hope along with positive thinking. The man has MORE guts and determination than I can imagine." -C.T. via Facebook

[vimeo 36605543 w=700 h=393]

Having retired from professional filmmaking, this had been where I left off--a study of psychosis and schizoaffective disorder as I saw it through the schizophrenic lens in 2009 and 2010.

"I am Jonathan" is intended to be educational; target audience being grad students in psychology and counseling.

It's just time for me to let it go, at this point in my life. I do hope it might prove helpful, offer hope and understanding of what schizoaffective is like for me on a daily basis.

I continue my recovery though not cured. It’s a devastating illness, isolating and often indescribable. I continue to look for hope, distractions, humor and inspiration, especially in the arts.

This is the best I could do with the project. To continue is just not an option as my cognitive abilities have declined over the years.
Thank you. You all mean the world to me.


<a class="StrictlyAutoTagAnchor" title="View all articles about Jonathan Harnisch here" href="">Jonathan Harnisch


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