Thursday, January 31, 2013

Running Over the Future

"Looking back leads one to running over what is ahead."

Zolicon via—Regarding the <a class="StrictlyAutoTagAnchor" title="View all articles about Porcelain Utopia here" href="">Porcelain Utopia post:

"Looking Back"

If you’re going to be able to look back on something and laugh about it, you might as well laugh about it now.

<a class="StrictlyAutoTagAnchor" title="View all articles about Jonathan Harnisch here" href="">Jonathan Harnisch

Tuesday, January 29, 2013


I don’t know where fear will take me next. I only know that when it comes, I am ready.

—Terri Simon

Appreciating Our Freedom

This day is brand new. This moment is fresh and clean. The future is a blank canvas that is ready for you to create. Life is filled with twists and turns that often derail the best of souls. Resolve in this moment to continue your journey by honoring the gifts you have been given. If you have fallen off the path, decide to reestablish the connection that fills your heart with gladness. It is never too late to realize your soul's intent and purpose. Do not let "time" fool you into a state of despair. You have the ability to reunite.

The question is how?

By embracing all your experiences (yes, even the bad ones), you strengthen your self for the journey; this time with a better outcome. Appreciate the difficult times, for they often set you back in the correct direction with your life. Appreciate what you have set in motion, while taking your mind here" >mind, heart, and soul to the next level of participation. Appreciate the day in the moment. Dwelling in the past makes it difficult to create your future. If you have pushed the boulder uphill without struggle, appreciate your own tenacity. If you have pushed the boulder uphill and still have not succeeded, examine the worth of the bolder (not your own).

Sometimes it's better to let go, allowing the bolder to roll back down the hill to find a better connection. This releases you to travel up the hill with ease. Fill your moments with expectations, for when you reach the top of the hill, there is unlimited opportunity. You may find the bolder really wasn't necessary at all, and that the important moment was your sense of freedom.

Appreciate the freedom.

—April Crawford

The Only Way to Learn and Grow

When confronted with uncertainty, I embrace it.

If it scares me, I do it.

If it challenges me, I do it.

It sure isn’t easy, and I often miss the mark, but it’s the only way I know I can learn and grow.

Jonathan Harnisch here" >Jonathan Harnisch

I Love My Wife

To My Wife,

I can’t promise that I’ll be here for the rest of your life…

But I promise that I’ll LOVE you for the rest of mine—

You are beautiful and I love you so much!

—Your Eternal Husband

Thursday, January 24, 2013


I am a spiritual person.

I can still set boundaries, though I often don't.

I can still curse, talk smack, and joke around about sensitive subjects; I can miss the mark often, and I often do.

I can get angry.

I can make tons of mistakes, and I have already made my share of mistakes.

I can be schizophrenic. I can and will joke about being schizophrenic. I can hate being a schizo and I can take some pride.

I can have desires, and be as human are, too. I can even loathe and hate. I can also accept and forgive.

I can change.

I can grow.

I can fall.

I can learn and evolve.

I can be hard on myself and others, as human can do, and I can cut myself some slack and relax.

I can change, if I want, even if I don't want.

I am embraced by the divine, however I might understand, believe, and call my own God, or higher power, my spirit, core, or source.

My universe is mine.

Yours is yours.


Perfectly Imperfect

I have made mistakes, and I'll probably make more mistakes.

I'm human.

It's okay and I'm happy enough with all of it. Proud of being perfectly imperfect.


Hide and Seek

Sometimes I want to play hide and seek just to hear somebody say, "I found you."

—J. Harnisch

I collapsed three times while alone and invisible this evening.

Upon awakening, the phone rang.

I thought and hoped it was my doctor.

It wasn't.

Instead, I received my latest death threat this evening and this thought came to mind.

I thought of wanting to be found, rescued, and relieved, unable to sleep.

The wounded inner child within my schizophrenic bones cry out...

And I'm not raising my white flag, yet.

No f***ing way.

Love me. Hate me. Judge me...

I'm still here.

—Your Protagonist 

Good is Good

It feels good to feel good.

Good is good.

—Jonathan Harnisch

Human Nature

Human nature is not black and white but black and grey.

Jonathan Harnisch

The Storm in Our Minds

All our troubles are just a storm within our own minds.

Jonathan Harnisch

The World in Your Favor

The world is working in your favor; overall.

Jonathan Harnisch

The Best Doctor

The best doctor gives the least medicine.

—Benjamin Franklin

Looking Back

If you’re going to be able to look back on something and laugh about it, you might as well laugh about it now.

—Marie Osmond

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Faking a Smile

We can fake a smile, but not our feelings.

Jonathan Harnisch

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Doing Your Best and Acceptance

“Pray to God for courage to change the things that should be changed, and the serenity to accept the things that cannot be changed.”

“Accept what has come out of your labor; the seeds are not by you.”

“You have the right to act, but not to the fruits thereof. That is karma yoga. When results come, accept them with equanimity. Be serene and accept the results of the efforts you put forth, not according to your wishes. But put your efforts well.”

“When you have put forth your best efforts, accept the results with serenity.”

“Do your best and accept the results, whatever they are, with serenity. Do not regret. That is the way it is supposed to be.”

“With equanimity and peace, accept what comes to you.”

—Swami Amar Jyoti


Indian guru and ashram founder, Swami Amar Jyoti was a humanitarian activist

Jonathan Harnisch

Monday, January 21, 2013

Never Be Afraid to Fall Apart

Never be afraid to fall apart for a little while, because it's a great opportunity to rebuild yourself the way you wish you had been all along.

Jonathan Harnisch


Thursday, January 17, 2013

Jonathan Harnisch's Birthday and Resignation

17 January 2013

Today is my birthday. I'm 37. 2 days ago, as I posted, I've achieved 10 years of sobriety. Overall, I have been happy but due to my concussion from the break-in earlier in the week, with my vision (legally blind and worsening dyslexia) and the current lack of interest overall, and in comparison to the past, of my work on Porcelain Utopia, The Real Me and You, and Schizophrenic and Caregiver, as well as Twitter, Facebook and other social networks, I'm pretty much done with it all, and likely to carry on with much less online activity. There have been a lot of technology companies I have worked with and many I still do work with which are just moving too fast, out of need, with so much competition going on. Besides there are a lot of let's just say "weirdoes" whether it be stalkers and hackers and just a bit too much hate mail and even threats that I just let go of, but basically Porcelain Utopia is prepaid to stay online for a few more years, but please don't expect much. I'm really not that into it all these days, it was kind of "fun while it lasted." Basically I'm resigning from online life though I'm sure to come on and off every now and then. But, I'll be doing it my own way if I do it at all. Thank you for understanding and well, just a quick note to say I'm gracefully signing off and going to continue enjoying my birthday. Thank you to those who have contacted me regarding my recent celebrations. Look out for a film called On the Bus and Wax distributed in 20 or so countries this year as well as a novel or two, though one might be authored under my name but a couple—all this year under a pen name, which I am unwilling to disclose. Thank you.

Jonathan Harnisch

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Being Normal

Being normal is probably the lamest thing you can try to be.

Jonathan Harnisch


Monday, January 14, 2013

10-Year Clean and Sober Anniversary Medallion

10-Year Anniversary Medallion

JAN. 15, 2013:


Thank you for all your support!

Jonathan Harnisch

Be Careful with Your Words



Be careful with your words. Once they are said, they can be only forgiven, not forgotten.

Jonathan Harnisch

Be Careful What You Say


Be careful how you are talking to yourself because you are listening.

—Lisa M. Hayes


No Negative Thinking

Zero Tolerance to Negative Thinking.

If You Really Want to be Positive, Nobody Can Stop You.

Problems are Inevitable.

Depression is Optional.

Jonathan Harnisch

What is Interpersonal and Social Rhythm Therapy?

What is Interpersonal and Social Rhythm Therapy?

Interpersonal and social rhythm therapy is not surprisingly an integration of interpersonal therapy (IP) and social rhythm therapy (SRM). Interpersonal social rhythm therapy (IPSRT) is unique, though, in that it was actually developed for the treatment of bipolar <a class="StrictlyAutoTagAnchor" title="View all articles about disorder here" href="">disorder. This makes it unusual indeed.

Interpersonal Therapy: Definition and Patient Education

Interpersonal therapy (IPT) is a short-term supportive psychotherapy that focuses on the connection between interactions between people and the development of a person's psychiatric symptoms.


Interpersonal therapy | Definition and Patient Education


All You Need Is Now

[caption id="attachment_11963" align="aligncenter" width="580"]All You Need Is Now All You Need Is Now[/caption]

All You Need Is Now!

—Duran Duran

Duranie of the Day—Jonathan Harnisch

Steven Hawking's Expectations


My expectations were reduced to zero when I was 21. Everything since then has been a bonus.

—Stephen Hawking

b. 8 January 1942; British theoretical physicist, cosmologist, and author

Deep Love


Being Deeply Loved
Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.

—Lao Tzu


Clever :)



Jonathan Harnisch

Testimonial to Both of Us on My love

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Holding On To Anger

Holding On To Anger

Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of harming another; you end up getting burned.


To Be Anything But Happy

There comes a time in life, when you walk away from all the drama and the people who create it.

Surround yourself with people who make you laugh, forget the bad, and focus on the good.

Love the people who treat you right. Pray for the ones who don't.

Life is too short to be anything but happy.

Falling down is part of life, getting back up is living.

Jonathan Harnisch

Meant To Be There

Sometimes people come into your life
and you know right away that they were
meant to be there, to serve some sort of
purpose, teach you a lesson, or to help
you figure out who you are or who you
want to become. You never know who
these people may be; possibly your
roommate, neighbor, professor, long lost
friend, lover, or even a complete stranger,
but when you lock eyes with them, you
know at that very moment they will affect
your life in some profound way.

Jonathan Harnisch

Second Chances

Life always offers you a second chance.

It's called tomorrow.

Jonathan Harnisch

My Soul Unscathed: Schizophrenia

I Was Battered Last Night My Soul Unscathed

A day has passed, now the 13th of January, 2013. I wasn't going to post this, but this morning, I felt more comfortable about it. Following is what I had written in my personal journal in order in order to help speed up the process of overcoming a difficult situation from 24 hours ago.

Today, I am still doing fantastic. My core, my soul, and resiliency does, in fact, remain intact.

January 12, 2013 Noon

Please forgive me, as I am a bit worn-out and exhausted at the moment, my soul remains unscathed.

But at midnight, this morning, my wife was out of town for an overnight medical procedure. I was sleeping alone, leaving on the newly enhanced burglar alarm system to alert me when a door or window is open, an incredibly loud signal, which lasts for a few seconds, and does not alert the authorities with the setting I had in place. Never again, to leave the alarm system set to a mere notice.

Somebody knew—somebody who wanted to harm me. Nothing was stolen.

Last evening, it happened. With a great degree of current trauma going on in my life, it would have been the last thing I would want to happen to me—more traumatic experiences.

It signaled.

Startled, as were the cats sleeping with me, I woke up, and went to see if it was perhaps only the wind creating the alarm to signal, as it was just reinstalled the day before. I hadn’t yet gotten used to the complexity of how the new and improved system operates. I am learning today. I thought one night, basically unarmed, would be just fine.

By the time I dragged myself to the TV by the bedroom door, I was bashed in the head just above my right eye. My vision went blind. My hearing followed—I became deaf. Then my muscles gave out, and I drifted into a near death experience, which consisted of my “talking, telepathically” with God, similar to the three previous near death experiences in my life—the last one being in 2003. He said I was in a coma, and it wasn’t time for me to enter the other side; that there was a lot more in this life and in my current physical body for me to learn, accomplish and overcome, so as to be set for my own next reincarnation. I woke up, and deliriously, I snapped a few photographs, while many more wounds were not photographed, punctures, and cuts, many turning black and blue as the morning hours pass through, into the afternoon.

I was able to contact my psychiatrist. She responded that I had been simply experiencing a bad dream, or more likely, I was hallucinating and delusional, as she usually says. My anxiety levels at a peak, my psychiatrist actually lowered my anxiety medication instead of treating my <a class="StrictlyAutoTagAnchor" title="View all articles about stress here" href="">stress with perhaps an additional dose of Xanax or something, and while I have my suspicions of the individual who caused my physical harm; I did catch a glimpse of the person, and I know this person; I also have never trusted this person. I don’t trust most people these days.


Death threats come in, hate mail, and the like, and as God said to me in my near death experience at midnight, I will be able to take care of myself (meaning the wounds) and not have to see to it that I visit the hospital, as the staff would not have my best interests in mind, rather stigma, instead.


God, or whatever being I experienced had instructed me to write down the word He used as I “telepathically” expressed to him that I was unfamiliar with what the word, or message, had meant, in English. I looked at my post it pad next to my bed, and saw I had written, “Viveka.” This apparently was what my life’s mission to overcome entailed, and having Binged it, it is a real word, a Sanskrit word meaning discrimination.


Besides, I reasoned if I was to call 911, having schizophrenia, I would have been placed in a psychiatric unit, and not the ER.


I am a survivor, again—all on my own. And I have changed my phone number, and I’m in the process of changing some other crucial security information in my life in order to avoid further “sociopathic” attacks of all kinds. I’ve been so-called “victim” to receiving slander, neglect and abuse throughout most of my life. It can be difficult having over a billion dollars in my name, with no access to the funds, with my being a highly sensitive person who happens to be easily manipulated and taken advantage of, especially by those who are there to otherwise love and protect me. But, at least the fortune I have accumulated before my illness struck is protected, even if from my own <a class="StrictlyAutoTagAnchor" title="View all articles about self here" href="">self, as well. So I caught a few cuts and bruises. I suppose others believe they require what I have, all this “money nonsense.” However, I don’t define myself by materialism any longer. I have, in fact, just this week given to charity, several thousand dollars worth of my belongings—a two car garage full of what’s left, as I minimize my life and continue giving, only keeping what I truly need, with my core <a class="StrictlyAutoTagAnchor" title="View all articles about self here" href="">self, and a coffee mug with a few dollars in change to myself. The remainder of my finances are controlled by other people. I must apply for approvals, even to purchase a book or a song on iTunes. My applications are usually denied.

I must add that I am no saint. My emotional dysregulation causes heightened feelings of which I often bottle up internally, occasionally verbally attacking those I am closest to. I don’t like that about myself, and the way I sometimes behave, even to this day. That’s why I am in therapy, by choice, both Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and now IPT. IPT stands for Interpersonal Relationship Therapy. I want to be as healthy as I can be. I don’t want to be angry as often as I am, for example. At the same time, I believe one has to draw the line somewhere.

Nonetheless, am I able to forgive, yet again? Is it impossible in some cases? No way. Maybe the <a class="StrictlyAutoTagAnchor" title="View all articles about hurt here" href="">hurt that I have encountered is so bad that I will suffer to some degree until I pass on because I will always be angry at all the people who <a class="StrictlyAutoTagAnchor" title="View all articles about hurt here" href="">hurt me, and try to hurt me—No, not me. I forgive 100%, plain and simple.

The joy of my life might be limited but not completely sucked out of me. I still carry on and live my life, with as much contentment as possible.


Jonathan Harnisch

Creative artist—Porcelain Utopia; schizoaffective spectrum, writer, producer, musician, developer, blogger & podcaster.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Sick and Tired of Being Sick

Sick and Tired of Being Sick

“In order to change, we must be sick and tired of being sick and tired.”

January 8, 2013—7:00 AM (New <a class="StrictlyAutoTagAnchor" title="View all articles about Mexico here" href="">Mexico, USA) 

Good morning (or whatever time of day it is in your neck of the woods)…

For a personal update, not having been posting too much here on Porcelain Utopia nor elsewhere for a while as I have been keeping myself healthy and busy—good-busy—minimizing my life and surroundings, sustaining peace of mind, meditating, taking breaks, and just being myself.

And with this <a class="StrictlyAutoTagAnchor" title="View all articles about mental health here" href="">mental health condition, schizophrenia, underlying all of my life experiences, my thoughts, speech and my lens, or view, I have been in stable condition for the better part of nearly four years, and yet, as it’s still quite early in the morning with the sun not yet risen, the farm here is quiet and serene, but as it’s been a common part of my illness, my sleep disturbances, or perhaps the way that I sleep—somehow—or perhaps my diet, or the medication I take, I often wake up with a few hours, lately from about 3:00 AM until about 8:00 AM with the same flu-like symptoms that have been occurring since my teenaged years, through my drug and alcohol addiction years, and through my ten years of sobriety (on January 15, 2013). My 37th birthday is on January 17th, so I am excited about that as well.

Today I am deciding to really dig in and do what I believe is what I need to given my upset stomach, keeping a gentle attitude of grace and patience.

I am drinking lots of hot tea, for once, through these morning hours because besides being an anti-oxidant, it gets rid of most of the toxins that seem to be making me sick. I am doing my best to drink tea without any sugar or sweetener. Sugar and any sweeteners increase the impurities causing my upset stomach. I’m gargling with warm water and baking soda, avoiding speaking for about 15 minutes afterwards about least 3 times today; this morning, then continuing in the afternoon, and finally prior to bedtime. I’m resting, all that I am able, because when I am active, in any way, I’m forcing my body, and thus becoming sicker.

Without wearing too much clothing or covering myself too much when indoors, for warmth might multiply the little ‘bugs’ causing this sickness of my stomach, I’ve read that the ‘bugs’ grow and spread, with warmth.

Lastly, I’m eating lightly; nothing heavy or complicated—broth and light soup; again with lots of tea and crackers, fresh fruit and natural juices; vitamin C, mashed potatoes, and keeping it simple.

Feeling better soon.

Jonathan Harnisch

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Second Chances

A Second Chance

Life always offers you a second chance.

It's called tomorrow.

Jonathan Harnisch

Thought of the Day: Outside of the Box

Random Thought:

When asked, "What would you bring with you to a deserted island," why doesn't anyone ever reply, "A boat."


Jonathan Harnisch

Black and White

Black and White

Human nature is not black and white but black and gray.

Jonathan Harnisch

My Tweet on Children

My Tweet on Children

#FF @childsright #RT @jwharnisch

#Thought: #Kids do "get it" more than any of us. #Children are the smartest of us all. #quote

—Jonathan Harnisch

Sending you the best for a positive day and year; let’s help spread the news about kids, and protect children globally.

Let’s build an understanding of children’s rights, and continue sustaining and maintaining.

"A child of five would understand this. Send someone to fetch a child of five."

—Groucho Marx

Jonathan Harnisch

Porcelain Utopia

Saturday, January 5, 2013



The more you love your decisions, the less you need others to love them.

Jonathan Harnisch

Porcelain Utopia

Mental Health Quotes

Mental Health Quotes

When you follow your bliss... doors will open where you would not have thought there would be doors; and where there wouldn't be a door for anyone else.

Joseph Campbell

Life is the art of living with uncertainty, without being paralyzed by fear.

—Dr. W. Dillon

I try to take one day at a time, but sometimes, several attack me all at once.

Ashleigh Brilliant

Forget not that the earth delights to feel your bare feet and the winds long to play with your hair.

—Kahlil Gibran

Try to love and live the question itself. Don't search for the answer. Perhaps then, someday far in the future, you will gradually, without even noticing it, live your way into the answer.

—Rainer Maria Rilke

Action is the antidote to despair.

Joan Baez

Even if you’re on the right track, if you just sit there, you’ll still get hit.

—Will Rogers

The Truth shall set you free, but first it’ll piss you off.

Gloria Steinem

My only advice: stay aware, listen carefully, and yell for help if you need it.

Judy Blume

Those who have a 'why' to live, can bear with almost any 'how'.

—Viktor E. Frankl

Every blade of grass has its angel that bends over it and whispers, 'Grow, grow.'

—The Talmud

And the day came when the risk it took to remain tight inside the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.

—Anais Nin

Once we make our decision, all things will come to us. Auspicious signs are not a superstition, but a confirmation. They are a response.

—Deng Ming-Dao

Every oak tree started out as a couple of nuts who stood their ground.


Even from a dark night, songs of beauty can be born.

Mary Anne Radmacher

*   *   *

Much More Terrific Mental Health Perspectives on Porcelain Utopia's Recommended Blog on Psychology Today:

Crazy for Life


Escapades of a Bipolar Princess, Victoria Maxwell

Jonathan Harnisch

Living with Mental Illness

Living with Mental Illness

Living with <a class="StrictlyAutoTagAnchor" title="View all articles about <strong class='StrictlyAutoTagBold'>mental illness here" href="">mental illness means living within a society and all its specific cultural, economic and political factors. In addition to competent <a class="StrictlyAutoTagAnchor" title="View all articles about mental health here" href="">mental health care, people living with schizophrenia need < <strong class='StrictlyAutoTagBold'>strong class='StrictlyAutoTagBold'>< strong class='StrictlyAutoTagBold'>strongstrong> social supports. Individuals and families should work together to create the best environment to management recovery.

Schizophrenia Society of < <<strong class='StrictlyAutoTagBold'>strong class='StrictlyAutoTagBold'>< strong class='StrictlyAutoTagBold'>strongstrong> class='StrictlyAutoTagBold'>< <strong class='StrictlyAutoTagBold'>strong class='StrictlyAutoTagBold'>Canadastrong>strong class='StrictlyAutoTagBold'>< strong class='StrictlyAutoTagBold'>strongstrong>>

Friday, January 4, 2013

Look Within

Look within.

Within is the fountain of good, and it will ever bubble up, if thou wilt ever dig.

Marcus Aurelius

The 16th Emperor of the Roman Empire

Recommended Film: Walk Away Renee

Recommended Film:

Walk Away Renee 

A documentary on Jonathan Caouette's cross-country road trip with his mentally ill (<a class="StrictlyAutoTagAnchor" title="View all articles about schizoaffective here" href="">schizoaffective) mother.

Jonathan Harnisch

Recommended Film: A Guy Called Dad

Recommended Film: "A Guy Called Dad"

A documentary by Kacey Arnold—a unique, intimate look at schizophrenia and how it affects one daughter's relationship with her father.

Jonathan Harnisch

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Coping With Negative Situations

Coping With Negative Situations

In life, often times, especially in this day and age, there are certainly many so-called negative situations, conflicts, and just things in general that are bound to strike us unexpectedly, or suddenly. Some just happen as a part of life at any time. It could be a simple accident like shutting a car door on your hand or finger, getting stuck on a long line at a store or waiting to get on your favorite ride at your favorite amusement park, spilling your milk, as they say, misplacing your cell phone, or actually getting <a class="StrictlyAutoTagAnchor" title="View all articles about hurt here" href="">hurt or coming home one day and either your house is on fire, or your apartment has been robbed and ransacked. For those with disabilities, for example, or those whose appearance is different, or their personality, such harmful reactions of stigma, discrimination, hatred, or criticisms and judgments can and often do happen, to everybody, at some point. You may also lose your job, your driver’s license, or all of your money, for example. The list is infinite.

We all have problems. The way we solve them is what makes us different.

Whenever something negative happens to us, or even a loved one, it can become like second nature for anybody to fall into, “Why is this happening? My day had been going so well, and now this!” We might fight it, blaming others, and even blaming ourselves. “This is unfair. Why me? I am so stupid,” or “I was right. They’re wrong,” and again, “this is so unfair!” Anger can easily rise up inside us as we lash out and complain instead of fixing the problem, or thinking more positively about it, and taking action—sometimes not taking action, we might give up, or we might even drop down into a depression.

As long as we’re all here in this world, there’s always some kind of chaos, good and bad—the ups and downs in life, both the positive things and the negative.

The point is none of us are alone when bad things—or good things—happen. Our thoughts and attitude can often change everything and anything. Frustration, feeling negative things, thinking negative thoughts, and behaving or reacting as such doesn’t really help anything or anyone, nor is it likely to resolve the situation at hand. It usually won’t get the job you want done the way you want it to be.

But, we all have free will. We all have choices, and we can certainly make choices. We can even just pick up the phone and call a friend. We can ask for help, or we can vent to a friend or loved one, if you and your fiend or loved one is <a class="StrictlyAutoTagAnchor" title="View all articles about OK here" href="">OK with that. The more objectively we see any negativity. It no longer becomes negative or bad.

Obstacles, once we overcome them, end up making us feel much better. There’s always opportunity in negativity, and again, we are in charge of making choices, healthy choices, as best as we can. We can learn a lesson, and be <a class="StrictlyAutoTagAnchor" title="View all articles about OK here" href="">OK with learning lessons. In other words we can look more into what we can do, with our strengths and with the power of goodness in us. We can and do get through tough times, more than we might even notice, don’t we? We all made it this far, haven’t we?

We all cope with negative situations in our own ways, and in whatever way that suits us, and works for us best, as individuals.

Jonathan Harnisch

The Power of Positive Doing

The Power of Positive Doing

There's a big difference between dreaming and doing.

While no one can deny the power of positive thinking, far too many people neglect to act on their own behalf in order to bring their dreams to life.

"I didn't get here by dreaming about it or thinking about it.

I got here by doing it."

Estee Lauder

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

May All Beings Be Well and Happy

Thought of the Day

January 2, 2013

There seems to have been quite a lot of worry, fear and even pride and disdain in the world today.

May all beings be well and happy.

Jonathan Harnisch

Animal Abuse: Please Don't Beat Me Again

[caption id="attachment_11802" align="aligncenter" width="550"]Please Share Please Share[/caption]

Jonathan Harnisch

Porcelain Utopia

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Three Types of Friends

Three Types of Friends

There are three types of friends in life:

1.)          Friends for a reason.

2.)          Friends for a season.

3.)          Friends for a lifetime.

Jonathan Harnisch

Surfing the Reality of Life

Surfing the Reality of Life

On Lifetracks

In my dream, I was watching a play.

I went back to the theater the next day and watched the same exact play. But the play was performed with different decorations. The two plays I’d seen seemed to have been lifetracks (as opposed to soundtracks for a motion picture, perhaps). These lifetracks were quite close in space to each other and with similar variations.

The next theater season, I went to watch yet another play and with the same actors. This time, the script to the play had been rewritten dramatically. So as another lifetrack, this particular one was even further away from the original play I’d seen last season, in my dream.

I went on even further and saw the same play in a different theater—quite an unusual experience with an entirely new interpretation. So, this lifetrack was indeed quite far away from the original lifetrack.

To quote the Russian mystic Vadim Zeland in his Space of Variations

“Reality manifests itself in all its multiplicity precisely because of the number of variations is infinite.”

I suppose with these lifetracks, I have free choice, and all possibilities already exist, as quantum physics suggests, so its seems about time to make some choices, and to begin with one choice. I suppose the first question is, “how?”

Dedicated to awakening souls throughout the world.

Jonathan Harnisch

Doing Nothing

Doing Nothing

To do nothing is to “do” a great deal.

Jonathan Harnisch

To Something Better

As I look back on my life, I realize that every time I thought I was being rejected from something good, I was actually being re-directed to something better.

Steve Maraboli

Seize the New Year's Day in 2013!

January 1, 2013

Happy New Year's Day!

Carpe Diem!

The first day of the year gives us the opportunity of a fresh start.

2013 is a new beginning.

On this New Year's Day, and every once in a while, let's give ourselves the opportunity to take a break in our own quests and pursuits of happiness to just actually be happy and <a class="StrictlyAutoTagAnchor" title="View all articles about OK here" href="">OK, plain and simple—with gratitude and <a class="StrictlyAutoTagAnchor" title="View all articles about forgiveness here" href="">forgiveness, just as we are, right here and right now—just for today.

No one can hold us hostage to the past other than, well, ourselves. So let's embrace the day. Let's seize it!

Carpe Diem!

We can choose to make this New Years's Day—and any day—divine, with experience, meaning, purpose and peace—love.

Let's start anew in some way or another—letting go of the years past, the best we can.

Just prior to the turn of the first millennium, came Horace's The Odes, and its phrase, Carpe diem, actually part of the expanded Latin, "Carpe diem quam minimum credula postero," translated as, "Seize the day, putting as little trust as possible in the next [day]."

The ode says that the future is unforeseen—that instead, one should scale back our hopes to a brief future, and drink one's wine!

And so let's seize the day in 2013!

Jonathan Harnisch