Sunday, October 28, 2012

This Thing Called You

This Thing Called You:

The universe is one vast system. All the laws of nature conspire to benefit mankind, but these same laws automatically protect the integrity of nature. It is as though nature said, “All right, little man, the game is yours. Play it as you see fit. I am going to serve you, but don’t fool yourself. I am going to reflect right back to you with exactness what you really are. If you don’t like what is happening, I am not going to be disturbed. You are the arbiter of your fate. You are the captain of your soul.

-Ernest Shurtleff Holmes

From Wikipedia:

Ernest Shurtleff Holmes (1887-1960) was an avid student of the world's spiritual systems. He found in these a common denominator he called the Science Mind, a practical philosophy for abundant living. Beginning as self-educated lecturer, Holmes developed a large following of students and went on to formalize his work by founding Science of Mind magazine, an educational institute, and the United Church Religious Science. His writings have inspired the work of countless clergy, business leaders, physicians, and psychologists and have helped to shape the guiding principles of the modern human potential movement, both spiritual and secular. Born and raised in Maine, Holmes spent much of his adult life in California.

Jonathan Harnisch

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