Sunday, September 29, 2013

Letting Go Of A Toxic Relationship

Fear of what lies ahead can make it tough to let go of any type of toxic relationship.

I recently had an illuminating conversation with a loved one. We discussed an issue she was having with a very close friend.

In my opinion, my friend's situation seemed to come down to a sense of powerlessness and love—a true but toxic friendship.

In any such case, we must not be afraid to move on and to discover how beautiful we all are as people.

When emotional detachment is to take place, or an actual letting go of a person we love in any way, even a best friend or lover—when we identify our own deepest feelings about any such relationship, and we makes a decision; if to let go of someone for any reason, at last and altogether, it's certain that better things do come—and they will indeed for each person involved in a toxic or "bad" relationship.

Jonathan Harnisch

Try and Commit

When we try, we commit 3%

When we do, we commit 100%

—<a class="StrictlyAutoTagAnchor" title="View all articles about Jonathan Harnisch here" href="">Jonathan Harnisch

Meditation on Opening to Trust

Meditation on Opening to Trust—An Invitation


Dedicated to awaken souls throughout the world…

Have courage in moments of darkness.

Persevere when difficult times arise.

Remember the whole glorious story.

Hoping this might help on your own quest.

-Jonathan Harnisch

Just take a few moments here to find a quiet spot where you can sit or lie down, and just get comfortable in your body. Just relax the body right now — as much as you possibly can. And as you’re relaxing the body, just notice where there may be tension or tightness. And, just allow for this tension to naturally dissolve. With each breath you’re just releasing the tension — letting it go. Letting it go… letting it go… and just relax deeply into the very core of your being. Bring your attention to your head, and imagine your head is as vast and infinite as the sky and the infinite universe above — millions and millions of miles of empty space all around you. And just feel this vast infiniteness — this quietness — just sinking into your mind. Allowing the mind to quiet, bringing a gentle silence into the mind. And, just letting go of any thoughts that arise, let them dissipate into this vast, infinite silence.

There’s room in this infinite universe for everything, and just allowing all the thoughts to rise and fall — ascending and descending this infinite continuum. The silence is the background — it’s the blackboard on which your mind is painting all sorts of things and ideas upon, and just pay attention to the blackboard — the infinite blackboard the silence contains.

Let this deep silence sink into every cell throughout your brain and throughout every cell in your body — just letting it sink it slowly, gently, letting the mind get quieter and quieter. Just breathing in this peaceful, silent awareness. And now I want you to place your attention upon your heart, and imagine the middle of your heart as a dial that goes from one to a hundred, and in the middle of that dial is the word “trust”. This is your trust-dial that measures how much you trust yourself, the universe, and everybody in it. I just want you to notice where your trust dial is set at, at this moment, and notice what it feels like to have it set at this number. It goes from one to a hundred, a hundred is the most amount of trust that you can experience, and one or zero is the least amount — and just notice what number it’s at. And, just for a moment, I want you to imagine you can putting your hand here — just imagine you’re putting your hand on this trust-dial and it’s connected to your heart, and just turning it up a few notches. Seeing it go up maybe 10 percent, maybe 10 notches, and just noticing what that feels like. Notice if you feel an expansion or an opening inside your body. Now, I slowly, gently want you to turn that dial even higher. Just command the dial to open the trust valve, just because it feels good to trust — to feel the energy of trust. Just keep turning it up higher and higher and higher. You may notice that the higher you turn your trust-dial this golden, healing light starts to emanate from your body — you start to radiate this divine, loving light to everyone around you. It doesn’t matter how many miles they’re away from you — you can touch them as if they’re right next to you. And who ever you wish to touch with this light that’s radiating from you right now, just allow this light to come from your heart and into their heart. Become this golden, healing source of light that your heart is radiating, just like the sun — generously giving love and light to everyone. And, keep turning up your trust-dial higher and higher, all the way until you get to 100 percent. And, notice what it feels like to be at 100 percent trust. Just let a hundred-percent trust sink into every cell throughout your body and mind right now.

Let this trust surround you and penetrate you, and just trust this trusting energy. Dive into the trust and surrender to the trust. And, if the mind plays tricks on you and goes in any other direction just gently bring it back to the heart — where this light is still emanating and radiating and touching everyone on the planet — radiating this trust. And, so, just relax deeply and breathe in this loving light from the source of your being, and radiate it out to the entire world, everyone on this planet.

Notice what this feels like to relax deeper and deeper into the heart center, feeling this warm, cozy, and golden energy in the heart. Just keep allowing this golden light to get brighter and brighter and brighter. And, you’ll notice that some of this golden energy is dripping down into your stomach and down into the base of your spine, and it’s connecting all along your spine, all the way up to your head — this golden spine of light radiating this golden energy. And, as you put your attention to the base of your spine, I just want you to relax deeply into the base of your spine. And, just feeling the roots of light going down into the earth from the base of your spine. Going down your legs, down, down into the earth. Touching the earth, feeling your roots of light going down into the planet below you. Spreading out like the roots of a tree, feeling secure and safe and solid, knowing the earth is protecting you and holding you, providing for you. That the earth will always take care of you, and just trusting this planet, this earth, as these roots of light go deeper and deeper down to the very core of the earth. And, letting yourself really feel this connection with this massive planet beneath you that provides for your every need, every desire, and it is there providing it for you, everyday. And just relax into this connection, knowing that you will always be provided for, that you are always taken care of.

And, see this little boy or girl inside of you smiling, laughing, joyfully loving and feeling loved, feeling lovable, feeling provided for and taken care of. See him or her at a very early age, a very young age, and watch him or her in this amazing movie of light, grow up with this smile. feeling loved and provided for by this planet — by this loving earth that will always take care of your inner child. And, let this young person inside of you grow up to be a mature adult with this connection, with this trust inside. And, see yourself every year of year of your life — teenage years, and the younger years, every year — growing and feeling this deep sense of trust, these roots of light have always been with you, always beneath you as a child. And, now this is his time to turn in to trusting them, and connecting with them, and noticing that they’ve always been there. Allow all parts of you — past and future — come into a state of healing, and imaging what this healing feels like: to be completely healed, whole, completely sound, body and mind and spirit, completely at peace with what is — and just relaxing, resting, being completely at peace with what is, right now.

And, just accepting what is — it is what it is — and, so, rejecting it only causes suffering. So, your job is just to be in a state, right now, of complete acceptance. Allowing for everything to be exactly the way it is. Notice the state of deep peace and relaxation that occurs when you are allowing everything to be exactly the way it is, allowing yourself to let go of any part of yourself that is holding on to the idea that there is something wrong here. Allowing yourself to be at peace with what is — knowing that any disorders, any mood disorders from the past, any problems, any wild, crazy mental confusion is all part of your past. And, just letting it go…letting go of the “I”, the “me”, who has identified as it being yours.

This is the key ingredient that unlocks your healing — is letting go of that part of you that says, “I — I have a problem”, that “I am sick”, that “I am not worthy”, that “I am unlovable” — all of these thoughts, just let them go. And, just notice what are your most negative thoughts that you have identified yourself, the “I”, the “I am” presence, the eternal, infinite “I” to be hooked into? What are those “I” statements that you have been telling yourself, that you most need to release? And, continuing releasing… and, just increase your awareness right now to noticing anytime and every time that your mind may try to identify with having it be it a problematic state, and just knowing that there are no problems — there are only opportunities. There are opportunities for growth, and it’s just about perspective — how we see each experience as a tool for our spiritual awakening — an awakening to the divine essence that’s within and all around us, and each moment.

And, so, the invitation right now is to make a commitment to yourself to become even more aware than you have ever been in your entire life, to create such an incredible, deep, profound consciousness inside you — to get in touch with that consciousness that is all ready here. Always here — that is as vast as this infinite universe. That this consciousness is always aware and awake in each moment — and to allowing yourself to be in touch with this deep, deep awareness. That is aware when the “I” thought comes in and identifies itself with saying, “I am… something, something, something…”

And, so, just notice that anytime the mind identifies with anything: “I am bad”, “I am good”, “I am worthy”, “I’m not worthy”, “I’m lovable”, “I’m not lovable”, all of these are identifications, and the invitation here is for you to get curious about these identifications and noticing, “Who is it that identifies?” What is this infinite “I am?” That is, again, like this blank slate, this infinite blackboard of consciousness that is always empty and will take anything that you put upon it.

And, so, the invitation is not to try to reverse the bad parts with the good parts. The invitation is just to allow them to cancel each other out and to surrender into this vastness of your own infinite being. That is the “I am” presence itself — that is pure, untainted — it has no identifying factors or ideas attached to it. It’s just pure, pure presence, pure awareness. And, so, be very, very gentle with yourself as you continue to drop deeper into this “I am” presence ­— this pure, infinite consciousness. This awareness — it’s very subtle — and always, always on, and there’s nothing you can do to turn it on or turn it off. It’s permanent. It’s infinitely, always going to be here, now — whether the body’s here or not.  That’s the gift — is this consciousness is eternal. It’s who you really are, and your job is to surrender it and realize that this is who you are. That you are not these ideas about yourself — these ideas that may say, “I have a problem”, or “I am a problem” — any of those ideas are just going to have to be competed with ideas that say, “I have no problems” and “I am free from problems”, which is also true.

There’s truth — there’s a little truth in everything. And, so, this is your opportunity to transcend all the little truths. And to find the biggest truth of all, which is this deep relaxation into the very essence of your own presence — this consciousness of who you truly are. And, so any ideas are not going to get you there. The only thing that will get you there is a pure heart full of surrender, full of trust, full of this desire, this burning desire to be free. Completely free from all suffering, from all yearning and trying and ‘effort-ing’ — to have something be different than what it is right here, right now. That the here and now is the God-source. And, what can be better than that?

And, so, this is your awakening right here, right now. This is your healing right here, right now. There’s nothing you need to do. There’s nowhere you need to go, unless of course, you feel pulled to going somewhere and doing something, just for the experience. It’s all okay. Every experience is the perfect experience. If you’re resisting a certain experience, you may want to look at that. You may want to look at the pain that’s being caused from the resistance. Not necessarily from the experienceexperience is perfect in itself, and so is the resistance, but it’s the resistance that’s causing you suffering — the attachment to having things different than what they are that causes suffering.

So, your job is to transcend all of this resistance, and all of this attachment, and just come home to this pure, soft, sweet presence that is the core of who you really are.

The more you can relax your body, the more you can let go of your mind, and free your mind, the easier it’s going to be for you to live the most divine, magical life that you could have ever imagined. That things will work out perfectly for you — perfect timing, perfect synchronicity — they already are. It’s just when the mind is out of the way, when you’re just surrendered to the moment, the love, the trust that’s here now in this moment, and everything unfolds in its divine perfection, and you can experience that. That’s the key — is you get to witness it and feel it and be a part of it, instead of being stuck up in the head trying to control it all and micromanage the universe. This is about something much more effortless, something much more enjoyable. This is about pure surrender. Total surrender to the truth of who you really are, which is this infinite presence, this consciousness, this awareness. It’s so subtle, so alive, and so full of life; it’s where all of life comes from. So, your job is to enjoy it. Your job is to really enjoy yourself here. The greatest joy comes through diving into the very core-essence of your being because this is a joy that does not come or go. It’s not dependent on anything in your outer-world. For happiness or non-happiness, this joy is your very nature. It’s the very love and light that causes you to breathe. It causes you to think.

And, so let go of whatever thoughts that cause the body pain, just let them go. There’s no need to fix them. There’s no need to continue fighting for anything because freedom is all ready here, now. This freedom is available, and the Ego — it may put up a battle, but you know what? This freedom is always going to win. This love and this trust will always win over the Ego, because the Ego isn’t real — the Ego is just a figment of one’s imagination — this idea stamped upon “Who am I?” Who you really are can’t be described, can’t be put into words. It’s what’s untouchable. It’s beyond the mind. And, so, just surrender to that. Continue, continuously, to surrender to the source of this moment, this “now” essence because that’s the only place that you’ll find freedom. The only place you’ll find God — the source of all healing — the God-source, the infinite universe that’s conscious and very intelligent and always listening and knows exactly what you need.

You may also download the guided meditation live on The Real Me Podcast—Episode #89 free on iTunes by Jonathan Harnisch



Mindfulness and Problem-Solving

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The way I look at it, things come down to mindfulness and problem-solving. But, as humans, things are always more complicated than that!

(Limbic system vs. cerebral hemispheres)

Jonathan Harnisch

jh sig


Jonathan Harnisch: Challenges

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"...Got to find the challenges in order to fight them in order to overcome them."

Jonathan Harnisch

FB JH pu sig Profile

Plain and Simple: Fuck Stress

Plain and Simple:

Fuck Stress

And yes, I'm saying it.

Jonathan Harnisch

[caption id="attachment_13063" align="alignleft" width="125"]Jonathan Harnisch Jonathan Harnisch[/caption]


Do Not Say You Don't Have Enough Time

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Don't say you don't have enough time.

dali clock

You have exactly the same number of hours per day that were given to <a class="StrictlyAutoTagAnchor" title="View all articles about Helen Keller here" href="">Helen Keller, Pasteur, Michelangelo, <a class="StrictlyAutoTagAnchor" title="View all articles about Mother Teresa here" href="">Mother Teresa, Leonardo Da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson, and Albert Einstein.

—H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

[caption id="attachment_9594" align="alignleft" width="125"]J. Harnisch J. Harnisch[/caption]

Jonathan Harnisch: Pasadena Press

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"...Always striving to find those unanswerable answers to the bigger questions in life, unrestrained, abhorring routine and boring work."

Jonathan Harnisch

(Pasadena Independent, 2001)

[caption id="attachment_12695" align="alignleft" width="300"]J. Harnisch (2001) J. Harnisch (2001)[/caption]

Experience Meaning Purpose and Peace of Mind

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Re-Post from June 2012 [when the site went down for 6 months]

— still rebuilding; some material on this post is outdated —J.


4 June 2012

First, A Very Warm Welcome to Brittany, Harry, Kevin, William, Jordaan, Sally, Tyler, Tressie, Susan, and all new friends of PU via Facebook!

pu mirror

Dear Readers,

Though the original "tagline" for Porcelain was "The Angel Demon Human Dichotomy, even just "Through the Schizophrenic Lens," due to the varied genres of material posted on Porcelain Utopia, redefined to "Demystifying Mental Illness through the Perspective of a Survivor," though as a community, given all that's up on if you have any thoughts on the possibility to clarify the "About" section to "Experience Meaning, Peace and Purpose with Mental Illness or Not..."


I'm open to any suggestions. I had a few bucks (literally, LOL, hard to believe!) to run a very small advert campaign for this page to get the word out, since the 3 viral blogs in March & April brought in 26+ million unique visitors; just thought it was time to get the word out again, now that such "viral" material doesn't last forever.

Still ever-grateful to Weever Apps for this Great Press on PU Mobile!

Viewership has since been lowered, and all my programming is only returning minimum effects, yet still on the up and up!

Keeping at it! 

Please contact me and spread the word, if you feel inclined about Porcelain Utopia... Glad to be friends, virtual or not! 

I'm thinking, even with transgressions, fiction, the hip-hop fun  music by Schizophrenic and Caregiver, the Real Me Podcast, the Positive quotes, the New Age to the Old School!--Sure.. eh?!

New S&C Band Single and the New Album:


The Real Me with Jonathan Harnisch, for a whole different side of JH:

Then, not for all, but...:

The Henry Miller, Fight Club/Chuck Palahniuk in my creative fiction:


Believing it does in fact come down to making a change. It's still all about authenticity and redefinition and starting fresh, all the time.

<img class="aligncenter size-medium wp-image-8761" alt="real me mirror" src="" width="300" height="110" />

Ah... Breathing,..

"Experience Meaning, Peace and Purpose with Mental Illness or Not" fact, all of the above--it's part of it all... and that's why I do all of what I do.

I might have just answered my own question... Writing to you, my wonderful audience, is more than therapeutic.

It works!


Experience Meaning, Peace and Purpose with Mental Illness or Not! 

As usual, like they say in AA:

'take what you want and leave the rest...'

...or however that saying goes.

Sz Awareness

Call me cheese-y but I think song is quite fitting for this post and my life, my favorite; playing now on my iTunes Fave Playlist!


Thank you all!

[caption id="attachment_12413" align="alignleft" width="125"]Jonathan Harnisch (2013) Jonathan Harnisch (2013)[/caption]


The World Can Be Amazing When You Are Strange

The World Can Be Amazing When You're Slightly Strange

Jonathan Harnisch

JH PU FB Hollywood

I'm a Narcissist

Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) is a personality disorder in which the individual is described as being excessively preoccupied with issues of personal adequacy, power, prestige and vanity. This condition affects one percent of the population.

On my blog, in my writing and in person w/ friends, as many have pointed out and I’ve assumed years ago, I am aware of my narcissism. “Charming, loveable, inspiring,” also, might I add, and I (I-I-I-!!!) J often joke about it (or feel guilty about it) but knowing that part of the definition of narcissism is one with no-self esteem (because technically one can’t have low or high self-esteem, one either has it or not, as I see and know self-esteem) but I just feel like acknowledging this, like I’m “coming out” in a way. But it’s not intentional. It’s perhaps the Sheldon from The Big Bang Theory in me LOL! Zooey Deschanel's sister, Emily Deschanel, in Bones — Many say I remind them of her character Dr. Temperance 'Bones' Brennan, too. Like with inability to pick up social cues etc. Oh my...! And yet I think everyone has a bit of narcissism in them, if you think about it. I'm reffering to the Aspergers Syndrome (rather Autism — via DSM5 I believe) which is one of my diagnoses, as well, for years and years, yet I don't mention much of it, generally because within the Schizophrenia & Affective Syndrome Spectrum (spectrum, keyword) involves about a Baker's dozen of Axis I's, thus considered rare w/ all the others most know of. At least the Tourette's is so secondary these days. As a boy, that was tough, man. But alas, here I stand!

Jonathan Harnisch

Is It Halloween Yet?

Is It Halloween Yet?


Then, finally, the third year, begging the parents, I got the Superman Halloween costume. Cardboard box, self-made top, mask included. Remember the rubber band on the back of that mask? That was a quality item there, wasn't it? That was good for about 10 seconds before it snapped out of that cheap little staple they put it in there with.

—Jerry Seinfeld

On Halloween, the parents sent their kids out looking like me.

—Rodney Dangerfield

Acting is like a Halloween mask that you put on.

—River Phoenix

I'll bet living in a nudist colony takes all the fun out of Halloween.


Like at Halloween: I knew I'd arrived when I saw people dressing up on Halloween as my character.

—Jane Badler

If human beings had genuine courage, they'd wear their costumes every day of the year, not just on Halloween.

—Doug Coupland

This Halloween the most popular mask is the Arnold Schwarzenegger mask. And the best part? With a mouth full of candy you will sound just like him.

—Conan O'Brien

There are nights when the wolves are silent and only the moon howls.

—George Carlin

I would rather sit on a pumpkin and have it all to myself than be crowded on a velvet cushion.

—Henry David Thoreau

Everyone is a moon and has a dark side, which he never shows to anybody.

—Mark Twain

I see my face in the mirror and go, 'I'm a Halloween costume? That's what they think of me?

—Drew Carey

(Much More Funny Halloween Quotes Online!)

Jonathan Harnisch

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Letting Go

My dentist once told me that letting go is like pulling a tooth. When it was pulled out, you’re relieved, but how many times does your tongue run itself over the spot where the tooth was? Probably a hundred times a day. Just because it was not hurting you doesn’t mean you did not notice it. It leaves a gap and sometimes you see yourself missing it terribly. It’s going to take a while, but it takes time. Should you have kept the tooth? No, because it was causing you so much pain. Therefore, move on and let go.

Jonathan Harnisch

Thirty-Three Ways to Stay Creative

Thirty-Three Ways to Stay Creative

33 Ways To Stay Creative

There Are Only Two Ways to Live

There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.


Never Be A Victim Of Life

Let's never be a victim of life. Let's conqueror it!

Jonathan Harnisch

In The Face of Adversity

In the face of work related anxiety, stress, flu, schizophrenia, dyslexia, computer crash after crash and being legally blind plain and simple I did it! Again! I embraced the hope and the courage and I did it! Took care of the business at hand. And all simply the best I could and can. You all can as well, again I believe in all of you just as much — go for yours because dreams come true! My sixth book now scheduled for publication! And major thanks to Apple's voice to text!

Jonathan Harnisch

Grateful For The Pain And Gifts

I am grateful for the gifts my life has given me as well as the painful lessons, for they serve to be my greatest guides.

<a class="StrictlyAutoTagAnchor" title="View all articles about Jonathan Harnisch here" href="">Jonathan Harnisch

Do the Best You Can

Simply do the best you can—it might be all you need to do, really.

Jonathan Harnisch

Schizophrenia Awareness: Stop Stigma


Sz Awareness


<a class="StrictlyAutoTagAnchor" title="View all articles about Jonathan Harnisch here" href="">Jonathan Harnisch

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My Secret Is Silence

[caption id="attachment_11666" align="aligncenter" width="600"][/caption]

My Secret Is Silence

The waves of mind
demand so much of Silence.
But She does not talk back
does not give answers nor arguments.
She is the hidden author of every thought
every feeling
every moment.


She speaks only one word.
And that word is this very existence.
No name you give Her
touches Her
captures Her.
No understanding
can embrace Her.

Mind throws itself at Silence
demanding to be let in.
But no mind can enter into
Her radiant darkness
Her pure and smiling

The mind hurls itself
into sacred questions.
But Silence remains
unmoved by the tantrums.
She asks only for nothing.


But you won’t give it to Her
because it is the last coin
in your pocket.
And you would rather
give her your demands than
your sacred and empty hands.


[caption id="attachment_8852" align="alignleft" width="125"]Porcelain Utopia Porcelain Utopia[/caption]

Love Is Our True Essence

Love is our true essence. Love has no limitations of caste, religion, race, or nationality. We are all beads strung together on the same thread of love. To awaken this unity—and to spread to others the love that is our inherent nature—is the true goal of human life.



Jonathan Harnisch

On Being a Director: Jonathan Harnisch

[caption id="attachment_12677" align="aligncenter" width="300"]<img class="size-medium wp-image-12677" alt="HARNISCH PRODUCTIONS, LLC" src="" width="300" height="102" /> HARNISCH PRODUCTIONS, LLC[/caption]

"I consider myself a director who suffers from some lack of direction."

Jonathan Harnisch

 Show Business Weekly (1998)

[caption id="attachment_12924" align="alignleft" width="300"]Hollywood Harnisch Hollywood Harnisch[/caption]











Are We All Going Crazy?

pu main

When we question whether or not we might be gong “crazy,” made the wrong choice on a large or small scale, made decisions that didn’t pan out, feeling lost, confused or that our lives are falling apart right in front of us, we question our realities, we get shaken up, as humans, not sick people, not crazy people. We learn life lessons, by taking the easy way or the hard way, and yet we will usually learn through rewards more effectively than through pain and suffering, no matter what. It’s just the way it is. We either create crises that bring us to a bottom of sorts and once we realize we’ve made ourselves complicit in our own unhappiness, our lives then change for the better. We can only grow from the inside out. Nobody can teach us or make us grow, only our own selves are capable, thus (or either way) we simply decide that it’s more realistic and invaluable to move on, by starting anew or just changing ourselves for the better. Reward yourself, and once again, make today the best day of your life! Looking at life through a child’s eyes, through innocence, we might see and find a whole new way of what is really going on. Are we crazy? Are we all crazy? Or are we just people doing the best we can, and our making mistakes being proof of this? One would think that human nature is, in fact inherently good. We are all good souls, all of us, even if only deep down inside.

Jonathan Harnisch

Make Your Life A Masterpiece

It's up to you to make your life a masterpiece!

Have you ever heard amazing stories about some of your grandparents or great grandparents? Or seen a statue of a person you'd never heard of before and read the plaque to see how they used their time here to accomplish something really good for lots of people?

Well, this is your time. Your time to combine something you are passionate about with a need in the world, and live a masterpiece.

Jonathan Harnisch 

Musing on Fight Club and The Ladder

The Over-soul: An Apologetic Musing on Fight Club and The Ladder

Restored Post originally published on Sun 21 Apr 013 2:00 PM

"In spite of everything, I still believe that people are really good at heart."

—Anne Frank

Since last night, especially, I was actually reluctant to abandon not as much the premise that people are naturally good, but if I, myself, was inherently a good person, at my core.

But for now, as my much more humanistic over-soul, as in, likely, Ralph Waldo Emerson’s best essay, in my opinion, I do believe that all of us, do have a soul which is inherently good-natured, immortal, immensely vast, and quite honestly, beautiful.

Perhaps fittingly with my initial intention to <strong class='StrictlyAutoTagBold'>post this on the G+ Community I administer, it is rewarding to see more people joining the Let’s Talk About Mental Health Google+ Community. I haven’t been on it much myself, even as its “moderator,” though I do feel it’s a rather safe place with safe people interacting so far, who are able to communicate in a healthy-as-possible and compassionate way, with a common understanding that we’re all in this together—we, who deal with life’s day-to-day issues, both good and bad, while through the filter, or lens, of our individual mental health conditions. Sometimes, we, with mental illness can, and I think should, laugh at our otherwise unfortunate conditions, when we can, while there is a time for everything, even messing up, on a small scale or a greater one.

I write this <strong class='StrictlyAutoTagBold'>post in order to analyze and journalize for myself, therapeutically, at the same time, to come to terms with what I had written last night, which can be found below, feeling and fulfilling a personal desire to forgive myself, while asking for your forgiveness, as well.

Last night I messed up, plain and simply, I behaved inappropriately, and unlike my more disturbing and sometimes-angry fictional writing which I create, in part, for a living, but for its therapeutic aspect of creative expression through fiction, written for my own self, as the writer, and the communicator—the creator of inner worlds, as I see them swirl—then to bump it all up a notch, thus the <strong class='StrictlyAutoTagBold'>fiction I might write.  Though, sometimes I bump it up too much in real-life only to find that I’ve lost that game, the seizing of that particular day.

The <strong class='StrictlyAutoTagBold'>fiction I write works for me, though not necessarily all of my readers. I tend to dig deep into the closets of my psyche and the exaggerated wells within my own imagination thus to expose in an often-disturbing fashion, yet I feel it’s with a heart buried underneath the gravel at it’s innermost core—of seeking, inquiring and ever- searching for the source—the missing pieces and the unanswerable reasons and answers to human nature, deep inside, yearning, sometimes suffocating and yet ever-inquiring, over and over, while keeping a smaller audience who does enjoy it, or read it <strong class='StrictlyAutoTagBold'>in the first place, though for many the content is just not for them, or simply not the time for them, as I see it. But I do; for I find pleasure and satisfaction in any book, as I see it, and will often say, if it looks good on my bookshelf, then it looks good to me. <strong class='StrictlyAutoTagBold'>I am happy with it.  Lover <strong class='StrictlyAutoTagBold'>in the Nobody might be an apt example, where I strip down the characters to their naked core which to me (and perhaps to Freud) is symbolic of the root of every aspect of the angel-demon-human dichotomy of life, <strong class='StrictlyAutoTagBold'>in the way that I see it. How else to strip one down to their core without writing them in fully and actually naked, and full of desire and even fetish? It surely seems to be the elemental metaphor as to the roots of my own feelings, which are often quite extreme themselves. But, this is an apology request from my bitter demeanor, and what I feel was disrespectful to my readers—all of you. At the same time, there might be another late evening when <strong class='StrictlyAutoTagBold'>I am profoundly upset and only to hope that I will, next time, respect others, even when not feeling, falsely or not, disrespected by others. I do my best to not miss my mark completely, but we win some and lose some. Letting my deepest fears attack anyone else’s character or persona, mentally ill, or mentally healthy is not my cup of tea, after all.

I <strong class='StrictlyAutoTagBold'>change and I <strong class='StrictlyAutoTagBold'>change again, like the good ole chameleon effect. I believe at my core is someone who is looking to do <strong class='StrictlyAutoTagBold'>right and can also become all too frustrated when feeling unloved, taken advantage of or even disrespected myself. I do yearn for peace of mind and that’s my goal. It always has been.

While this is a <strong class='StrictlyAutoTagBold'>post for Porcelain Utopia, and not directly into the LTAMH strong Community feed, I feel indebted to both my audience and to my family, very few of you with whom I know personally or online.

I admit, I vented out my own anger deriving from all the stresses and challenges within my momentary situations in life and with those who simply didn’t deserve from me, some of the things, rather many of the things I vented about, neither to the late authors Sylvia Plath and David Foster Wallace, who happen to be two of my favorite writers, who happened to perhaps be “mad” but madly ingenious—I don’t believe any literary mechanic could ever pull apart Wallace’s Infinite Jest and decipher it, nor put it back together, that’s how ruthlessly brilliant Wallace’s <strong class='StrictlyAutoTagBold'>writing is, though Infinite Jest did not leave me with any great epiphany, or eureka effect, rather simply a detailed and privileged look into how literary genius does end up existing, knowing that it is palpable and present.

Having been back <strong class='StrictlyAutoTagBold'>writing again, my next novel, over the last few days, since 2012, regardless of the book deal issue mentioned in last night’s Fight Club and Jacob’s Ladder post, the deal that fell through, I did feel that <strong class='StrictlyAutoTagBold'>writing was in fact exorcising the demons within, and that it was helping me stay afloat. As an old doctor once advised, just write, no matter if true or untrue, no matter how disturbing it may be, no matter anything, as long as it’s fearless and something I’ve never expressed before, no matter what, just write, she said. When I used to know my father, he, among many friends, would commonly ask me if I was still writing, since it has been, for so long now, such a helpful outlet for me, and people knew it, and cared. However, last night my <strong class='StrictlyAutoTagBold'>writing undoubtedly came out way to strong and wrong, so I must apologize to everyone involved, all of you, regardless of how much better it made me feel inside to vent as I did.

<strong class='StrictlyAutoTagBold'>I have about 20 minutes to write here now, and I’d like to disregard any syntax and/or language usage, though I’m not <strong class='StrictlyAutoTagBold'>in the swearing diatribe place today, moreover that <strong class='StrictlyAutoTagBold'>I am just writing—that’s all. Not concerned about the best style, the better usage of intellectual words, etc.

My morning began in yet another dismal and negative space. Spousal challenges, and the wreck I left online and at home last night. Hateful texts and calls came through startling me awake early on, and I felt that I needed to regain my self-control, and my day; my life. Not just my breath. Lots of people will be showing up here tomorrow, and I was full of an even deeper sense of loss and depression, and of fear. I needed to get myself back into rolling with the ebb and flow of day-to-day life, and while I couldn’t just snap out of it, I gradually began my own day, not <strong class='StrictlyAutoTagBold'>writing hateful things back to others, and not telling my doctor, whom I did make a call to, of my problems in a negative tone. I just knew I could try and that I could do my best, that was all.

My psychologist and <strong class='StrictlyAutoTagBold'>I have since set up a phone session later on this afternoon, while <strong class='StrictlyAutoTagBold'>in the meantime, I decided to call a crisis line, just to talk, nothing like a life-or-death emergency. The kind and compassionate woman on the line listened and asked me some appropriate questions. I felt better almost instantly as I began talking with this person anonymously. She and I were on the phone for about 45 minutes. I felt much better just being listened to, and that was all that happened. I was heard, anonymously.

My problems and feelings became less problematic and moreover, just words. I felt back <strong class='StrictlyAutoTagBold'>in the moment, not into yesterday and not into tomorrow, and not feeling any urgency or any sensation of feeling rushed while <strong class='StrictlyAutoTagBold'>in the moment.

I mediated afterwards and began to listen to my heart, identifying anyone I felt scared of, or agitated about. My audience, my wife, and the staff here where I live, who are here to look after me came to <strong class='StrictlyAutoTagBold'>mind on the instant. I wrote and called each of them. I asked for forgiveness, help, and understanding, regardless of the outcome, without expectations.

I now feel emotionally safe enough with those in my immediate circle, and I also know things can always change, and they do, in fact, change.

I plan to write more again soon, and I ask for your forgiveness, from last night. One final thought for now, though this <strong class='StrictlyAutoTagBold'>post has no reason to make the Today’s Top 10 List, instead of posting this separately, I will go ahead and <strong class='StrictlyAutoTagBold'>post this as it is, but moving last night’s <strong class='StrictlyAutoTagBold'>post under this one and simply renaming the title of the post.

I can’t take back what I’ve said, yet, I can delete it from Porcelain Utopia, though I do have other transgressive and erotic Exorcising the Demons Within material which is my native craft; I just seem to have audiences in so many varied arenas—Porcelain Utopia before it became more popular as a “quote site” and not a personal blog, as I see it—I would like to come to terms with my actions by admitting that yes, I do have my off days and I can and do get angry. The mental illnesses I deal with don’t help much, but I have overcome a large portion of the burdening issues in my life and yet with a lot more work still ahead. I admit my blatant disrespect and with what <strong class='StrictlyAutoTagBold'>I have written so far, not as an excuse but as I realization and acknowledgment of my mistakes and to admit this one by posting it below, knowing that we all can and do have our horrible days, but they can get better. And while sometimes I think <strong class='StrictlyAutoTagBold'>I have to be my own hero, and even the parent for my own inner child, I can do better and as for the other posts that are less positive and more personally therapeutic <strong class='StrictlyAutoTagBold'>writing styles—the <strong class='StrictlyAutoTagBold'>fiction based on parallels of my own psyche, they’ll come, too. But for now I’ve got to sign off and just make the best of the day. We can turn things around. I believe we must put in our best efforts, be okay with our wrongdoings and move on as positively and as realistically as we can. So unabashedly, below is something—the <strong class='StrictlyAutoTagBold'>post from last night—which <strong class='StrictlyAutoTagBold'>I am not proud of but I acknowledge it and <strong class='StrictlyAutoTagBold'>I am sorry, no matter the harm that might have been done to me, <strong class='StrictlyAutoTagBold'>in the past, it’s certainly not my proper place to write what I would like to apologize for, below.

I keep my overall character, the angel, demon, and human inside me intact.

I mess up, I do my best, and I return back to my core when I can—human being-style.

—Jonathan Harnisch

Below is where I felt I missed the mark, however, in keeping it as it was last night as one might, even if just for myself, an example of people, in this case myself, we do miss our marks, and don’t stick to our core at times. This was not a fictional attention-grabber attempt. I did, however feel hurt, and otherwise have changed my opinion and feelings about the following <strong class='StrictlyAutoTagBold'>post. Not to make excuses, only revealing my own human nature. <strong class='StrictlyAutoTagBold'>I am not perfect either. None of us are. And when this sort of fear does arise again, I plan on keeping it to myself, otherwise in private or simply manipulating it into a work or art, if you will, of <strong class='StrictlyAutoTagBold'>fiction. Just not the way it had been. This <strong class='StrictlyAutoTagBold'>post did seem to garner lot of attention, approximately 35,000 hits <strong class='StrictlyAutoTagBold'>in the first 6 hours. But it’s not currently what I would have wanted to write publicly. I do acknowledge this and I feel a responsibility to admit I wasn’t true to my <strong class='StrictlyAutoTagBold'>heart. If fictionalized, it would have been a different story altogether.

In Fight Club Sliding Down Jacob’s Ladder >>

Sat 20 Apr 013 10:00 PM

<strong class='StrictlyAutoTagBold'>I have been severely depressed during the last couple of weeks; almost, but not quite, Sylvia Plath style, except my book deal just fell through today, two years <strong class='StrictlyAutoTagBold'>in the making. Fuck it, I’m gratified more by the pain, degradation, etc., that is imposed by others, unlike such cop-outs, Plath and David Foster Wallace. My ass is still on this ship.

It feels like I’m in Fight Club sliding down Jacob’s Ladder, with enough anger to plaster the Internet with the good ole fashioned shit you all seem to crave when searching me on Google, Bing, and blah-blah-blah, the drama, the abuse—the hedge funds and my net worth, which will keep you all guessing and guessing. We can all be anyone we choose to be on the Net can’t we? Well, I’m choosing to be a real dick this evening, a self-hating and disrespectful crazy psycho little son-of-a-whore. At this point, I actually wish my own mother, whomever she is, for I haven’t a clue, would have just followed through and got the abortion. But she didn’t.

My psychiatrist wrote back straightforwardly, “Sorry, hope you feel better.”

A friend, “That sucks.”

It doesn’t help. But I don’t know what would.

My family? All spiritually deceased, or physically deceased by means of suicide, primarily via the old fashioned hanging method. Again, cop-outs… losers, and yet all are mentally ill, like me, even the one of many public figures <strong class='StrictlyAutoTagBold'>in the bloodline, yes, the murderer. So, yes, a little slander here and there, I get sued? I didn’t use anybody’s name—they’re already known, and with power of attorney, I can’t be sued. They’d be suing themselves.

Ah, the torture, the sexual torture especially, fond PTSD memories, and when my psychologist just wrote me back (the one person I actually get along with on a continual basis,) about his calling to help with my depression, I left him a message about how my thinking that help strong isn’t likely possible <strong class='StrictlyAutoTagBold'>right now and in my actual state of mind, since <strong class='StrictlyAutoTagBold'>I am not suicidal, because <strong class='StrictlyAutoTagBold'>I am more gratified by hatred inflicted upon me by others, habitually, (I just feel like <strong class='StrictlyAutoTagBold'>I am hating a lit am  no tit back <strong class='StrictlyAutoTagBold'>right now, until I feel… better…) and that with this doctor, in session, all I do is talk my sick and twisted head off about delusional bullshit, dreaming I’m a brilliant demagogue. Fucking crazy talk.

<strong class='StrictlyAutoTagBold'>I am alone, and yet I still have all the .mp3s I recorded from 2011 with my psychiatrist since she was hired by my family and reports to them illegally, in case it ever comes to revealing the tapes—recorded every week out of paranoia, for sure, but hell, it’s all the lies, and the paranoia that seem to keep me alive and safe. <strong class='StrictlyAutoTagBold'>I am strong, after all, a self-stigmatizing schizo with nothing to lose, for real.

That felt good, pouring out some of the hatred that comes with this depression. Now, it’s back to bed for this little bitch. Time to breathe. To focus on the life of my own breath, for it’s all I seem to have <strong class='StrictlyAutoTagBold'>right now, which is okay by me, regardless of the air conditioning system broken, and a dislocated left shoulder, with nobody around; around but not here for me, <strong class='StrictlyAutoTagBold'>in the way that I want, which is what I don’t know—how? This poor wounded inner child. I laugh to myself, inside, this ballistic crybaby in my sometimes-outer peaceful manliness, I just don’t see it <strong class='StrictlyAutoTagBold'>right now.

Alas, it looks like somebody just responded on Facebook as to my state of <strong class='StrictlyAutoTagBold'>mind and reference to Plath and Wallace, how endearing, though I don’t officially know him in person. Someone who actually gives a hot damn, it reads:

I'm sorry. But look at all these people concerned about you. That's something for sure. I wish I had that. Book deals come and go (and they will come again) but people who want to support you and be there for you are priceless.

I guess there is some hope. However it might manifest, or not.

Jonathan Harnisch


Anne Frank's quote, comes to <strong class='StrictlyAutoTagBold'>mind once again, "In spite of everything, I still believe that people are really good at heart." It’s as if the primary motive of what might be considered “evil” is simply a mask or disguise.

Recommended Reading: The Loose Lip Brigade

The Loose Lip Brigade

by Julia Newman

The Loose Lip Brigade

About the Author

Julia Newman has pursued careers in yoga and dance instruction, improvisation comedy and filmmaking, most notably working with Lena Dunham of HBO's Girls. Her fiction has been published online at Every Writers Resource, and she is a contributing author at Out In The City Online. Her website, Feed Me Daily, has gained wide popularity as one of the most honest, well-written blogs about living authentically through creativity and wellness.

Book Summary of The Loose Lip Brigade

The fictional characters, in Newman’s highly recommended The Loose Lip Brigade — a collection of short stories, are paralyzed by the reality of circumstance. Building from moments of anxiety, the collection delves into themes of self-doubt and self-indulgence in the face of unclaimed desires: a lesbian war vet, a rogue mailman, coffee breaks, a black bra, empty wine glasses and the perfect ratio of ennui and hope; for example, in ‘The Hurly Burly’, teenager Ramona obsesses over a boy with an overwhelming urgency. In ‘Bread Crumbs’, Samantha’s search for her runaway dog exposes familiar wounds from her past with the sharp pain of enlightened grief. The collection includes five more juicy tales!

My Book Review of Julia Newman's The Loose Lip Brigade

I received my copy of Julia Newman’s The Loose Lip Brigade in the mail a day early. Winding down for the evening I couldn't wait to read it, and not long after I was quite a way through her stories in the Lip Brigade.

My favorite books are those with angst, or suffocation, confusion and doubt about the world, relationships in the world and with the world itself — and to end, with a sense of contentment — even if in the slightest, most non-expected way. I was rooting for that contentment [and by the end, boy did this book deliver what I was hoping — the unexpected!]. In the meantime, I just wanted to hold all of the characters and let them know how awesome they are, and that I can understand their dilemma. It's as if there’s an underlying choice, whether it comes through chance or full realization of contentment, well-being, or just something the reader will be able to find, hold, and I suppose just realize, through the characters. It’s really quite a treasure, a gem of a book. It’s a pleasurable read. Newman's view and her relationships with both the overall world and its finest details are spot-on, yet, while there is dissent or strife going on, she writes it in such a way that captures me, draws me in, and also keeps me guessing. Feelings of my own self-doubt through such diverse and remarkable characters and storytelling allowed me to thoroughly enjoy reading The Loose Lip Brigade. The stories elicit positive emotions, which is the key to the best storytelling. Julia Newman has published an outstanding book. I believe that you, as the reader, will find yourselves in all the characters in the Brigade — from Ramona, Nina, and all the rest. Highly recommended with sincerity, to a fine author, from a fellow writer.

Jonathan Harnisch

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I was able to contact the author of this book with some of my thoughts, and she responded, to my surprise. I don't think she will mind my publishing her reply, as I seemed to have realized precisely Julia Newman's vision for The Loose Lip Brigade.

I'm speechless, Jonathan. I cannot tell you quite how it feels to get such feedback. This is astounding. Thank you. You understand exactly what my vision for the book was, and I'm ridiculously honored to have you care for my work and the characters in it with such poise and compassion.  —Julia

I hope you will take the next time you have to sit down and relax with a good book (paperback or <a title="The Loose Lip Brigade — Kindle" href="" target="_blank">Kindle) and enjoy Julia Newman's 116 page gem, which I truly adore, The Loose Lip Brigade available on Amazon and <a title="The Loose Lip Brigade — Lulu" href="" target="_blank">Lulu Press.

Too Positive to be Doubtful

Overall, I'm too positive to be doubtful, too optimistic to be fearful and too determined to be defeated.

—Jonathan Harnisch

Friday, September 27, 2013

Melancholia and the Validity of Feelings

I endeavor to stay busy while melancholia, "sadness", and literally black bile: mental, physical and emotional symptoms of depression and despondency deepen. There's still an inherent resilient warrior and activist in me, inspecting in mediation that such feelings subsist as one and the same. Feelings are always valid. They can be trusted.

Jonathan Harnisch

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Good Sensations for Bad Vibes

Give yourself permission to immediately walk away from anything that gives you bad vibes. There is no need to explain or make sense of it. Just trust the little inner voice when it talks to you.

Jonathan Harnisch

Being Alone

Often it's better for me to be alone offering the opportunity to be who I truly am.

Jonathan Harnisch

Surviving the Storm Together

No relationship is all sunshine, but two people can share one umbrella and survive the storm together.

Jonathan Harnisch

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Forget About Being Impressive and Commit to Being Real

Forget about being impressive and commit to being real.

Because being real is impressive!

—<a class="StrictlyAutoTagAnchor" title="View all articles about Jonathan Harnisch here" href="">Jonathan Harnisch

Saturday, September 21, 2013

The Forgiveness Difference

The Forgiveness Difference


Jonathan Harnisch