Let Them Say and Do What They Want — Just Keep Being You
Don't give up!
The best way to succeed is to always just give it one more try!
Let them say and do what they want, just keep being you.
I remember very clearly the day I decided to take charge of my own life. A huge dose of self-acceptance is where it began…
Porcelain Utopia Now-Viral Wikizine
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Never ceasing to amaze! Got to give myself some self-love and acknowledgement! http://www.zimbio.com/Porcelain+Utopia Mock Me >> Anger Me >> Shame Me —Jonathan Harnisch w/ 'alter' egos S.B. & G.G. (without whom I couldn't be who I am) though fictional characters in my forthcoming auto bio serial novel series tell-all under pseudonym for healthy reasons, pre-written from 2004-2013 to run for the next 2 years in the UK then worldwide later this year as publishers collaborate en masse for its optimal "manic page tuner effect"—it's been dubbed 'brilliant' and un-follow me, and dislike but once again I am by far on a very personal note w/ rampant voices, hallucinations, possibly delusions, I am my own hero, again and again. I alone — all alone give myself 100% credit for getting through this day — more resilient though as selfishly as possible only to come back, upon returning will deliver more inspirational discourse. I didn't take my own life — I gained it! And I am proud of that more than I might even otherwise believe myself. As for the others who continue mocking me publicly. I can take it, hard as it is. Makes my decision to penname a great deal of my work much more of a good choice.
Again, let them say and do what they want, just keep being you.
And just now in the Utopia inbox:
"Thank you Jonathan for your enormous and massively influential contributions in crusading against stigma, disability abuse and all for better mental health services worldwide!"'
Jonathan Harnisch
Delivering the Discourse—Unconventional Mental Health Advocate—Quotes—Schizoaffective, Tourette's & Autistic Spectrum Disorders w/ PTSD—Author & Hollywood Sage
My goal whilst in bad mood w/ yet another suicide in family last night, missing mail, $, Internet & microphone cables, broken iPhone (to call psych doc.) and broken pool & spa, feeling ignored, blamed, helpless, etc. — to stay as positive as possible. Been a while since any such livid frustration has surfaced. Seeing CBT doc this afternoon, massage follows later in the evening. Enjoy your days—they aren't all that bad, come to think of it—it's just "life stuff." Sometimes venting is healthy (I believe so, right now—though it's just a temporary attachment to my own ‘drama’ catching up w/ me. All else can ignore it by choice—for me, myself, just writing it out publicly can help myself, at least, feel better.) We all seem to want one another's life at times. #PTSD flashbacks have been extremely rampant this past week, voices, hallucinations, as well — a lot of interpersonal family matters. You are not alone. And I am still the “King of Mental Health” :) so God Bless all these maladies, and my mere $20 US ($60 Euro) check for International airtime for 2 made-for-TV movies. I must say just sitting here to let it all go—mentally—none of it really matters—the losses, etc. Feelings come and go. And my 2-year fiction (serial novel series) is in the works, so heck yeah! Under penname and all royalties to charity to avoid any expectations or disappointments (money & credit, mainly—a pattern I’m fixing the best way I know how.)
We win or lose the biggest battles in life within our own minds.
The best day of your life is the one on which you decide your life is your own. No apologies or excuses.
Biscuit, back it, rabbit, flap it.
It's time to start talking about mental illness to raise awareness and erase stigma.
How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now, and that there will never be a time when it is not now.
More to come...
J. Harnisch
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