Tuesday, June 18, 2013

To Inspire An Improved World

It's not our job to condition our kids to beware of facing a harsh and cruel world, but our duty to raise them to inspire an improved world.

Jonathan Harnisch

Friday, June 14, 2013

Choosing To Live Our Lives With A Renewed Sense of Purpose

Choosing To Live Our Lives With A Renewed Sense of Purpose

When you give it a chance, I want you to know that from now on you will feel so much more in control of yourself, and so much more confident in your own abilities. You will believe in yourself so much more and feel good about yourself, and accept that you deserve all the good that life has to offer. Feeling freer and lighter when you might give meditation a shot. There’s no wrong way, and you can't lose. You can only win. Let all your thoughts come in as they will, and simply be aware. That’s literally the bottom line to it all. When we live life in general we are in fact always mindful, always aware, and problem solving, even meditating whether we know it or not. It just depends on how formal we want to me it. It’s up to us. Life is good, overall. Once you can catch a glimpse of its liberties and goodness, just hold onto it and remember when things go awry and astray as they do for all of us. Just keep coming back. And all, always, in your own way. Whatever and however works for you. There’s no need to conform. Your life is your own. There’s always room to be much more creative, feeling inspired and motivated, more spontaneous in your everyday life. From now on, please choose to live your life with a renewed sense of purpose and a strong self-belief, feeling much more inner peace and happiness.

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Feeling Emotionally Centered And Balanced

Simplifying The Affirmational Discourse >> Feeling Emotionally Centered And Balanced

 “I feel emotionally centered and balanced.”

Jonathan Harnisch


Feelings of Self-Rejection

Simplifying The Affirmational Discourse >> On Feelings of Self-Rejection, Etc.

“I release any feelings of self-rejection.”

Allow the following affirmations to wash over you again and again.

I am open-hearted, kind and compassionate.

My self-esteem is strong.

I love and respect myself.

I release any feelings of self-rejection.

I feel emotionally <a class="StrictlyAutoTagAnchor" title="View all articles about <strong class='StrictlyAutoTagBold'>I am here" href="http://www.jharnisch.com/tag/i-am/">centered and balanced.

< strong class='StrictlyAutoTagBold'>Jonathan Harnisch

Loving And Accepting Ourselves Completely

Simplifying The Affirmational Discourse >> On Self Love And Respect, Etc.

“I love and accept myself completely.”

Allow the following affirmations to wash over you again and again.

I love and respect myself.

My self-esteem is strong.

I release any feelings of self-rejection.

I love and respect myself.

I feel emotionally centered and balanced.

<a class="StrictlyAutoTagAnchor" title="View all articles about <strong class='StrictlyAutoTagBold'>Jonathan Harnisch here" href="http:///tag/jonathan-harnisch/">Jonathan Harnisch

Releasing Negativity Hidden By Past Feelings

Releasing Negativity Hidden By Past Feelings

We are all capable of clearing away and releasing any of our old feelings of self-rejection, low self-esteem, overindulgence, jealousy, and emotional instability, by relaxing our bodies, and releasing them, replacing them with love. As the negativity dissolves away, we once again feel the love that is there, that has always been there, but was hidden by the feelings of the past.

Jonathan Harnisch

Normal People Baffle Me

Normal people simply & completely baffle me. What's with all the body language, social cues, pettiness & the looking in the eyes when we speak from our mouths?

I'm pretty sure "normal" people are equally baffled, but better at faking it.

<a class="StrictlyAutoTagAnchor" title="View all articles about Jonathan Harnisch here" href="http:///tag/jonathan-harnisch/">Jonathan Harnisch

Best Therapy Session Ever: Primeval Latent Core Emotions Surface

My Best Therapy Session Ever: In Brief

Primeval latent core emotions volcano to the surface with centeredness, tears and elation made visible via 1-hr. therapy session:


My therapist encouraged me to talk about my thoughts and feelings and what's troubling me. I was not worried. It was not hard to open up about my feelings. I have trusted my cognitive behavioral therapist for years now. We talk about daily life, challenging traumatic issues, and music, all boiling down to mindfulness and problem solving, often working simultaneously. My <a class="StrictlyAutoTagAnchor" title="View all articles about CBT here" href="http://www.jharnisch.com/tag/cbt/">CBT therapist often helps me gain more confidence and comfort in general. And some days we reach a point where we really dig deep, and through expression of fears and inherent emotional conditioning, for example, when asked, “How would I have preferred, realistically for [so-and-so] to have happened instead?”

And while my private life is my private life, I just had such a breakthrough, which seems to only have room to broaden its scope and range in a primeval traumatic root, which was brought to the surface.

My therapist and I can only Q&A more and use today’s breakthrough to enhance my quality of life in so many more areas.

It was like I was an infant being parented by his adult self (parent) letting the little boy in me know that this is what this means, that is what that means, and you are loved. You have yourself, you have and are loved my me, while my therapist was only bearing witness, and prompting, encouraging and allowing me to feel safe as the little child in me learned for example, that the raising of a hand does not mean, I love you. In fact the raising of the hand with a whack is wrong and you will only get better and better. You always have me.

Pressed for time I felt a need to publish this to let you know you are never ever forgotten or invisible, or alone. Never ever ever. If you don’t trust me, please trust that you are worth it.

<a class="StrictlyAutoTagAnchor" title="View all articles about Jonathan Harnisch here" href="http://www.jharnisch.com/tag/jonathan-harnisch/">Jonathan Harnisch

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Monday, June 10, 2013

Healing is the Journey

Healing is the journey. The destination is yourself. The full recognition of all the different aspects of yourself—your joy, your sorrow, your pain, your pleasure—all lead you to the source of who you are. Only by having intimate contact with this source can you experience the fullness of your life. Only by fearlessly looking within can you embrace the landscape of your life and open yourself completely to all the love and compassion that lives inside you.

Philip Berk

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Love Yourself For All That You Are

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Stop hating yourself for all that you are not and start to love yourself for all that you are.

Jonathan Harnisch

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Brief Thoughts On Our Desire To Succeed

Brief Thoughts On Our Desire To Succeed

 Our greatest weakness lies in giving up.

The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.

Thomas Edison

When someone says they want to do something, he or she is likely intending to imply that they might like to do something, that is, as long as it’s easy, and convenient—that it doesn't require effort or time. When we want to do something, we might rarely say it aloud in fear of others potentially attempting to stop us, ridicule us or simply criticize. Consider why you might project that other people might want to, or literally make such an effort in stopping you. What effect might be having upon your own need to succeed?  It’s when we achieve things, large or small, it often and ironically appears to result as a reminder to others that they have not done as you have done. After all, setting and achieving goals for results would require effort on their ends as well.

—Jonathan Harnisch

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Creatively Crazy

I’m not crazy. I’m just creatively insane!

<a class="StrictlyAutoTagAnchor" title="View all articles about Jonathan Harnisch here" href="http:///tag/jonathan-harnisch/">Jonathan Harnisch

The Most Painful Goodbyes

The most painful goodbyes are the ones that are left unsaid and never explained.

Jonathan Harnisch