Friday, March 29, 2013

Immaculate Dream >> Porcelain Utopia

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My Immaculate Dream

I love Duran Duran!

@duranduran #bandsthatareperfect #duranduran

Perfect! Immaculate!

"A part of the full Duran Duran package fits my every need and purpose."

Jonathan Harnisch



Retweeted by Duran Duran

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Jonathan Harnisch

Glam Purple 01

Porcelain Utopia

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Charleton Heston: Political Activism: Gun Control

Today's "Great Ideas" Image:

Charleton Heston


Jonathan Harnisch

Stillness >> Porcelain Utopia

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The stillness in stillness is not the real stillness—only when there is stillness in movement does the universal rhythm manifest.

—Bruce Lee


Monday, March 25, 2013

Real Love >> Porcelain Utopia

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Real Love

Real love is not based upon romance, candle-lit dinners, and walks along the beach. In fact, it is based on care, compromise, respect and trust.

Porcelain Utopia

[caption id="attachment_8852" align="alignleft" width="125"]Porcelain Utopia Porcelain Utopia[/caption]

Love and Friendship >> Porcelain Utopia

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[caption id="attachment_12986" align="aligncenter" width="480"]Rainbow Rose Rainbow Rose[/caption]



Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies.



A true friend is one soul in two bodies.


[caption id="attachment_12987" align="alignleft" width="200"]Aristotle Aristotle[/caption]

Past Present Future >> Porcelain Utopia


Accept your past without regret.

Handle your present with confidence.

Face your future without fear.

[caption id="attachment_12442" align="aligncenter" width="600"]<img class="size-full wp-image-12442" alt="Thank You LGBT News" src="" width="600" height="600" /> Thank You LGBT News[/caption]

Jonathan Harnisch

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This Too Shall Pass >> Porcelain Utopia

When things are bad, remember:

It won’t always be this way.

Take one day at a time

When things are good, remember:

It won’t always be this way.

Enjoy every great moment.


Jonathan Harnisch

Stronger and More Resilient >> Porcelain Utopia

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Life doesn’t get easier or more forgiving, we get stronger and more resilient.

Steve Maraboli

[caption id="attachment_8852" align="alignleft" width="125"]Porcelain Utopia Porcelain Utopia[/caption]

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Let's Talk About Mental Health! - G+ Communities >> Porcelain Utopia

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Let's Talk About Mental Health! - Google+ Communities —

[caption id="attachment_12275" align="aligncenter" width="492"]Let's Talk About Mental Health G+ Let's Talk About Mental Health G+[/caption]

Please join us on G+ …

[caption id="attachment_8852" align="alignleft" width="125"]Porcelain Utopia Porcelain Utopia [/caption]

Friday, March 22, 2013

Momentum and Mental Health >> Porcelain Utopia

Momentum and Mental Health


In discussing the idea of  "momentum"— there are going to be some good days and some bad days, but one should try to make good days build momentum.

"I can just be,' I can just decide," and "It's all okay," are some examples of mindfulness mentioned in this video.

I continue documenting my life—capturing my day on the 6th of November 2012 (I had said it was "October" in the film, but an easy error still early in the month)—this candid video has its audio extracted for The Real Me Podcast with much appreciated applause.

Thank you to all who have been touched in some way with my taking a quick 40 minutes out of my day to record this unedited and candid—"this is what's been going on" type of enlightening-to-some YouTube video. I had no idea it would garner any success in touching others. I'm humbled. -J.

Jonathan Harnisch



A Different Shade of Normal >> Porcelain Utopia

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A Different Shade of Normal

I’m schizophrenic, which is to say that I suffer from schizophrenia, also known as “split-<a class="StrictlyAutoTagAnchor" title="View all articles about mind here" href="">mind disease,” even though this label has caused a lot of confusion with multiple personality disorder, which is not the same thing. The symptoms are common, yet you won’t find two schizophrenics who are alike. This illness affects us all differently.

As far as I can tell, I’m a schizophrenic with paranoid tendencies and extreme social anxiety. Author <a class="StrictlyAutoTagAnchor" title="View all articles about Sylvia Plath here" href="">Sylvia Plath described the mental chaos as existing within the eye of the tornado—still and practically void while everything else is ripped, ridded, and devastated all around you. This, I can agree with.

—Jacob Glidewell 

A Different Shade of Normal

A Journal of Schizophrenic Thoughts

Recommended Reading: Available on Amazon

<a class="StrictlyAutoTagAnchor" title="View all articles about Jonathan Harnisch here" href="">Jonathan Harnisch

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My Day Starts Backwards >> Porcelain Utopia

My day starts backwards. I wake up tired and go to bed wide awake.

Anyone else experience this? Please share.

Jonathan Harnisch


Failure and Success >> Porcelain Utopia

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Failures are like bricks, find enough of them and you can build yourself a successful building.

Jonathan Harnisch

JH PU FB Hollywood

Negativity on the Net >> Porcelain Utopia

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A Positive Approach to Negativity on the Net:

This post dedicated to all within the affective spectrum—to all aspies & those falling in the grip of the schizophrenic spectra.

To All Affected by Negativity:

Thoughts of the Day

My positive attempt to make a positive change while not engaging myself in the aftertaste from the current negativity on the social networks, with which I no longer participate as much as I used to, includes my decision to objectify all the critical status updates I peruse today. Lighter topics, even in my personal life, but negativity not here today. Maybe there’s something about turning on a computer, feverishly running hands across the keypad, and hitting the Post or Send buttons that seem to change what we write publicly, myself included. I think all our behavior, both positive and negative, on the Net is understandable, and yet I think we can change, if we decide to. Dropping people from my networks? No. Leading my own life, and trying my best to focus on the positive? Yes.

Jonathan Harnisch

Don't miss the Eureka! post, folks!

Jonathan Harnisch has nothing to lose keeping it all real, being real-deal. Charming chap! Narcissist with low-or-no self esteem, so mock me! :)

Peace to this world in dire need of healing and peace, to those who are hurting and being themselves.

[caption id="attachment_12678" align="aligncenter" width="125"]"Certified Web Celeb" "Certified Web Celeb"[/caption]

Celebrated Schizophrenic Creative ArtistPorcelain Utopiawriter, producer, musician, developer, blogger & podcaster; an evolving process of consciousness.

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Sending Back the Negativity >> Porcelain Utopia


Sending Back the Negativity

When someone is in a temper with us, or more deliberately wishes us harm or is jealous, and perhaps wishes that we have bad luck or that misfortune falls upon ourselves, or our loved ones, it can be very unnerving—even if the words or actions were spoken or done unto us days, months or even years ago.

Such bad feelings, however, always belong to the sender, and they can also be returned, not with anything added, but just as they are. By sending back the negativity, it seems also to block future nasty things coming from the same person or group of people.

As such a darkness falls I relax, and push against an imaginary window, as if I am pushing very gently—as if I am pushing a force away from me. I say, very simply, and quietly, “I return the pain, send it not again.” Or sometimes, “I return your bad wishes; I do not accept them; do not send them again.”

May all be as it was before.

Looking through some Biblical material, I noticed that Joseph, and with his religion, had used God’s grace in his adversity. He was sold into slavery in Egypt, according to the Bible. He was mistreated and taken advantage of. Even when he was wrongly accused of rape and put away in prison, he thrived. Later, through his faith, to be released and even put in charge of the whole of Egypt’s agricultural affairs.

Faith and hope can come in the midst of Life’s challenges.

When someone is mistreating me, like yesterday, I am using my faith in my own higher power, waiting in my own ‘prison’ for “it” to show up.

I am starting this morning.

<a class="StrictlyAutoTagAnchor" title="View all articles about Jonathan Harnisch here" href="">Jonathan Harnisch

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Let Go Or Be Dragged >> Porcelain Utopia

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Let go or be dragged.

—Zen proverb



Jonathan Harnisch


Thursday, March 21, 2013

The Himalayas of Life >> Porcelain Utopia

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Feel ecstatic that there is no end to life, that when you have reached on one peak, suddenly another peak starts giving you challenges, a higher one, a more arduous climb, a more dangerous reach. And when you will have reached the other peak, another peak; peaks upon peaks. It is an eternal Himalayas of life.


[caption id="attachment_8852" align="alignleft" width="125"]Porcelain Utopia Porcelain Utopia[/caption]

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

The Plastic Brain >> Porcelain Utopia

Dear Readers,

This is a very informative, useful YouTube channel:

'The Plastic Brain'

From The University of Arizona, the leading university in the American Southwest. Established in 1885 as the first university in the state and the state's land-grant university, the UA is building a better Arizona through access, quality and discovery. Whether in teaching, research, outreach or student engagement, access and quality are the defining attributes of the UA's mission.


This similar terrific book is also recommended:

"Train Your Mind, Change Your Brain:

How a New Science Reveals Our Extraordinary Potential to Transform Ourselves"

From a different source, written by Newsweek science writer Sharon Begley reports on how cutting-edge science and the ancient wisdom of Buddhism have come together to reveal that, contrary to popular belief, we have the power to literally change our brains by changing our minds.


Jonathan Harnisch

Porcelain Utopia


You Will Make It Through >> Porcelain Utopia

Sometimes when you’re down, dealing with life’s struggles, you get some surprises, too.

People who you’ve been there for, and you were sure they’d be there for you are not.

Other people, who you never would have expected to lend a hand, do.

And sometimes, there’s really no one there for you.

In those moments of darkness, it’s only you and God.
Stand up tall, and put one foot in front of the other.

You will make it through.

When you do come out the other side, resist the urge to become bitter.

Remember that feeling of being all alone, and resolve to be the one person who is there for someone who has no one else in the world.

Become the person you wish had been there for you.

-Doe Zantamata




How It Will Happen >> Porcelain Utopia

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...To not ask how it will happen, but rather how it will feel when it has happened.

Jonathan Harnisch

jh scmpc main fb profile

Monday, March 18, 2013

From the Inside >> Porcelain Utopia

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When an egg is broken by an outside force, life ends.

When broken by an inside force, life begins.

Amazing things happen from the inside.

Jonathan Harnisch

[caption id="attachment_12413" align="alignleft" width="125"]<img class="size-thumbnail wp-image-12413" alt="Jonathan Harnisch (2013)" src="" width="125" height="125" /> Jonathan Harnisch (2013)[/caption]

Just For Today >> Dear Abby

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JUST FOR TODAY, I will live through this day only. I will not brood about yesterday or obsess about tomorrow. I will not set far-reaching goals or try to overcome all of my problems at once.

I know that I can do something for 24 hours that would overwhelm me if I had to keep it up for a lifetime.

JUST FOR TODAY, I will be happy. I will not dwell on thoughts that depress me. If my mind fills with clouds, I will chase them away and fill it with sunshine.

JUST FOR TODAY, I will accept what is. I will face reality. I will correct those things that I can correct and accept those I cannot.

JUST FOR TODAY, I will improve my mind. I will read something that requires effort, thought and concentration. I will not be a mental loafer.

JUST FOR TODAY, I will make a conscious effort to be agreeable. I will be kind and courteous to those who cross my path, and I'll not speak ill of others. I will improve my appearance, speak softly, and not interrupt when someone else is talking. Just for today, I will refrain from improving anybody but myself.

JUST FOR TODAY, I will do something positive to improve my health. If I'm a smoker, I'll quit. If I'm overweight, I will eat healthfully — if only for today. And not only that, I will get off the couch and take a brisk walk, even if it's only around the block.

JUST FOR TODAY, I will gather the courage to do what is right and take the responsibility for my own actions.

—Abigail Van Buren ("Dear Abby")

Dear Abby