My Immaculate Dream
I love Duran Duran!
@duranduran #bandsthatareperfect #duranduran
Perfect! Immaculate!
"A part of the full Duran Duran package fits my every need and purpose."
Since the closing down of Porcelain Utopia in October 2013 Jonathan Harnisch has decrypted as much code and text possible which thousands of hackers had corrupted breaking through the most sophisticated security software available. The former self hosted WordPress website had wielded singlehandedly by Harnisch 25 million hits per day by its end and was written up in the press as the most viral WordPress blog known as it narrated Harnisch’s journey through schizophrenia. This is what remains.
@duranduran #bandsthatareperfect #duranduran
Real love is not based upon romance, candle-lit dinners, and walks along the beach. In fact, it is based on care, compromise, respect and trust.
Porcelain Utopia
Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies.
A true friend is one soul in two bodies.
―Steve Maraboli …
In discussing the idea of "momentum"— there are going to be some good days and some bad days, but one should try to make good days build momentum.
I continue documenting my life—capturing my day on the 6th of November 2012 (I had said it was "October" in the film, but an easy error still early in the month)—this candid video has its audio extracted for The Real Me Podcast with much appreciated applause.
Thank you to all who have been touched in some way with my taking a quick 40 minutes out of my day to record this unedited and candid—"this is what's been going on" type of enlightening-to-some YouTube video. I had no idea it would garner any success in touching others. I'm humbled. -J.
A Different Shade of Normal
A Journal of Schizophrenic Thoughts
This post dedicated to all within the affective spectrum—to all aspies & those falling in the grip of the schizophrenic spectra.
Jonathan Harnisch
Porcelain Utopia
-Doe Zantamata